Education Health Care Plans

Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) have replaced Statements of Special Educational Needs. The plans are for children and young people aged between 0 and 25 years of age who have a special educational need.

 All students at Lime Academy Orton will have an annual review of their Education Health Care Plan.

The school will ensure that teachers monitor and review the pupil’s progress during the course of a year.

Currently the school leadership team coordinate the schedule of EHCP reviews, in liaison with the Peterborough Statutory Assessment and Monitioring Team. Relevant persons are notified within good time (usually 4 weeks notice) of the proposed meeting date. Meetings are held at the school or via Zoom and will be lead, in most instances, by the Deputy or Assistant Head of your child’s campus. These reports are then typed and processed within two weeks and passed onto the SAMs team for checking and approving.

 For more information please contacts the SAMs team on (01733) 747474 or visit;

Assessment and Education, Health and Care plans (Local Offer)


Frequently Asked Questions


Why do I have to come?

These meetings are a statutory requirement and is therefore in the best interest of your child that you attend.

If you are unable to attend please contact us at school on 01733 391800

What do I need to do before the meeting?

Before the meeting we will send you a copy of your child’s current EHCP, a report by your child’s teacher and a blank section A form for you to update any changes to your input into your child’s plan. There is also a form for you to complete with or on behalf of your child to capture their voice and how they feel about school. If you have any up to date reports and medical notes etc please bring these along.

What happens at the meeting?

The meeting itself is a team effort.

During your child’s review we will:
1. Check all addresses and contact information is up to date.
2. Update significant information for the last 12 months.
3. Go through Strengths and Needs and see if this needs amending.
4. Review reports sent in.
5. Capture and record progress made regarding outcomes.
6. Agree on amendments to or new long term outcomes at the end of each key stage.

What happens if I cannot attend the meeting date?

All Year 6, 11 & 14 students have to have a review by the end of their first autumn term. Where possible school will try and rearrange appointments.

If you fail to attend a meeting without notifying the school all attempts will be made to contact you and rearrange. Please make best efforts to attend.

Who can attend the meeting?

Any professionals that are involved in your child’s life; we will send invites to known professionals involved but you can contact school if you want us to send an invite to a specific person.

In addition to this a SAMs officer may be in attendance as well as other members of the LAO team.

It may also be appropriate to have your child attend part or all of their review, this will be agreed in advance.

What happens after the meeting?

After the meeting has taken place our admin team will send the paper work and evidence off to the Local Authority SAMs team within 2 weeks.
From here the SAMs team will send you out a letter of amends, stating any changes to the EHCP. You will then have the opportunity to contact the team and ask for any additional changes.

The SAMs team will then send out the new draft of the EHCP to all parties involved.


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