Peterborough Local Offer
Peterborough's Local Offer is aimed at providing better support and services for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities and their families.
Education (Local Offer)
Children with Special Educational Needs may need extra help because of a range of needs, such as in thinking and understanding, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioural difficulties, or difficulties with speech and language or how they relate to and behave with other people.
Many children will have Special Educational Needs of some kind at some time during their education. Schools and other organisations can help most children overcome the barriers their difficulties present quickly and easily, but a few children will need extra help for some or all of their time in school. In Peterborough we have 67 primary and secondary schools, and a further 10 special schools or pupil referral units.
"In year" transfers from one school to another within the same local authority for children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) should be done via the Statutory Assessment and Monitoring (SAM) Service, not the admissions service. You can contact the SAM Service on 01733 863733 or by email to