A bank of resources and sign posts to other services that provide support and guidance for families.
Lime Academy Orton YouTube LIVE!
We have put together videos for our pupils, including stories, activities and games made by our teachers.
Please enjoy them by clicking the link below.
Oak National Academy
An online classroom ‘virtual school’ relevant to learners with a range of needs.
They have some excellent online lesson content and videos.
The Sensory Projects
Seeking to contribute to a world where everyone is understood in spite of difference.
The Sensory Projects run on the principle that with the right knowledge and a little creativity inexpensive items can become effective sensory tools for inclusion.
Flo Longhorn’s iPad App Guide
These apps are very simple and free as of May 2020. They have been researched online at the App store and various other sources. Most of them will be in Android form as well, so Google search from the app titles shown in this document.
Big Top Musical Adventures
Accessible online resources for families and friends to have their own musical adventures at home.
Frozen Light Theatre Resources
We’re excited to publish our second Sensory Resource Kit, this time from The Forest, which toured the UK back in Autumn 2015. This resource kit includes eight sensory sessions, following the journey of Thea and Robin’s forest adventures. The sessions include exploring shelters, the forest surroundings, and even a storm!
PMLD LINK was established to make a difference to the lives of children and adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). People with PMLD have profound intellectual and multiple disabilities, very severe communication problems, often extreme physical and/or sensory disabilities, and complex health needs.
Get Creative!
Get Creative is a campaign that shines a light on all the great cultural activity that takes place on a regular basis in local communities and encourages people to try their hand at something new and creative. Each May, we have held a huge annual celebration of creativity through a festival that aims to give everyone the chance to get actively involved in a creative event in their local area.
Resources for families of pupils with Multi Sensory Impairment
Useful resources from GUIDE DOGS. Guide Dogs is an organisation exists to provide life-changing services to the 360,000 people who are registered blind or partially sighted, and the two million people in the UK living with sight loss. They provide a range of services with and beyond the dog to help people with sight loss live actively, independently and well.
Safeguarding and Welfare information for Parents and Carers
Food Bank Information
We are very conscious that in this time of uncertainty some of our parents and carers may be concerned about providing food for their families. If you search the terms in the list below you will find the Facebook groups of these organisations who are all offering food aid:
Sawtry Food Bank
Sawtry Response Team
Yaxley and Farcet support network
Bearded Villains
Bretton assistance for the vulnerable
Werrington Open Group
Life in Langtoft
Hampton Gardens Peterborough group
The Sawtry Scene
Orton Community Network
Spalding area coronavirus support group
Wisbech Coronavirus support group
Coronavirus outbreak: Support for families
Yaxley and Farcet Covid 19 support group
Mosque Faizan e Madinah
Please use this information to join the group(s) that are most appropriate for you. If you find yourself with surplus stock, please note that these groups are also gladly accepting donations.
Get coronavirus support as a clinically extremely vulnerable person
If your child has not received a vulnerable or shielding letter and you feel they classify as such you can use the .gov website to register your family for support. Follow the link below for advice and guidance on registering.
Illness and Absence
Pupils who are unwell should not be sent to school. Parents/carers are asked to consider the vulnerability of some of our pupils especially those illnesses that are easily passed around. We will try and contact home if any child is taken ill during the school day, but will in the first instance seek the advice of the designated trained staff within school. Relevant services will be called in all cases of emergency. In accordance with advice given by colleagues within Community Medicine children who have been ill with sickness or diarrhoea should stay at home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness.
At Lime Academy Orton we do not give homework to every child. Due to the diversity of needs of the children within our school, appropriate activities to undertake at home will vary according to the individual child. We also run workshops for parents/carers to share work with their child at home. In addition, family groups can give ideas to be practiced at home to support themes and topics being covered in school.
Behaviour and Discipline
Discipline is maintained by the encouragement and maintenance of high expectations and good standards of behaviour by all pupils. At all times a level of understanding the pupil, recognising their individuality and their unique view of the world must be taken into account. Strategies for supporting pupils who present behaviours that challenge are constantly being considered by staff, parents/carers and other professional expertise are sought. Overall emphasis is on the recognition and reinforcement of good appropriate behaviour by praise and reward. You can view our full Positive Behaviour Support policy below.
Equal Opportunities
We value all members of our school and community seeking to accept everyone with respect and ensuring that all have equality of opportunities irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, background or disability. We aim to be fully inclusive in all areas of school life and encourage our pupils to recognise and value our rich and diverse world. You can view our equalities statement below.
Charging and Remissions
Our school aims to have robust, clear processes in place for charging and remissions. We clearly set out the types of activity that can be charged for and when charges will be made. As an exception to the charging process, the school is able to ask for
voluntary contributions from parents to fund activities during school hours which would not otherwise be possible. You can view our charging and remissions policy below.
Charging and Remissions Policy
Family Contact
Notices about school events, visits and special dates are sent out to parents on a regular basis. We use a wide range of methods to communicate with families, including a text messaging service and ParentMail. You can contact us by phone, 01733 391800
Parents / carers are welcome to visit school at any time to seek advice and help.
Family Liaison Team
Meet our family liaison team, they are here to support class teams in their communications with you, provide support where possible and attend meetings around your child.
Our family liaison officers are;
Pauline Gall
Kerri Deboo
Jodie Picknell